Frame description

This frame concerns a Cognizer's certainty about the correctness of a belief or set of expectations, the Content or Topic. It only includes uses where a Cognizer is expressed. 


1. Da waren wir sicher, dass sie zurückkommt.1. Then we were surethat she is coming back.
2. Die USA glaubendie Atomkraft sei nicht nötig in einem Land mit viel Öl.2. The USA believes nuclear power is not necessary in a land with much oil.
3. Die Zweifel an seiner Version der Geschichte waren in ihrem Gesicht zu lesen.3. The doubts about his version of the story could be read in her face.

Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The person whose is certain or uncertain.


The specific idea that the Cognizer is certain or uncertain about.


What the Cognizer has a certain or uncertain belief about; this is less specific than the Content.


The body part or action by a body part that conveys the mental state of the Cognizer to an observer. People often show doubt in their facial expressions, for example.


The Degree shows the Cognizer's level of confidence in their knowledge, i.e. how certain they are.